From What I've Gathered

Make Your Customer the Hero

Given my 20+ year history as a marketing consultant, I’m often asked for marketing advice. One of the recurring issues I deal with is proper positioning of a company, product or service in its market. This is a challenge for many small to mid-sized organizations. Too many companies position themselves or their products and services…

innovation and challenge chart

Invitation and Challenge

Discover the balance between invitation and challenge for productive relationships. Learn to assess and improve your team’s culture with insights from the Invitation-Challenge Matrix.

enneagram logo under a magnifying glass

A Quick Enneagram Overview for Businesses

The Enneagram is a mapping tool that leads to transformation. A brief Enneagram overview can help your team develop greater cohesiveness.

an effective strategic planning session

9 Principles for Effective Strategic Planning

The Paterson Center has 9 principles for effective strategic planning that, if implemented well, can radically transform your business.


The Leadership Square: A Framework for Developing Leaders

The Process of Leadership Development Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”  I wish more leaders understood this dynamic. It seems today, more than ever, that training and developing leaders has been reduced to, “Read this article,” or “Watch this…


Not Vacationing (Resting) is Holding Us Back.

At this point each year, conversations often turn to, “What are you plans for the summer?” When asked, I respond by telling whoever wants to know about our baseball tournaments, camping trips, and then, the pièce de résistance, our two week “off the grid” up north vacation in August. This is usually where I hear…


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