From What I've Gathered

coworkers playing foosball

What Is Workplace Culture—And What Is It Not?

If Identity is the “why”, then Culture is the “way” we do what we do. It’s informed by the Identity. Identity is where our mission, vision and core values are defined. The way we live out the mission, vision and values is our Culture.

Wooden letters in a classroom

The Enneagram for Schools & Teachers

Why do schools need the Enneagram? Recent research has shown that teachers experience stress in the workplace at twice the rate of the general population. Teacher burnout is at an all time high. Having strong self-awareness and understanding is essential to operating and maintaining a healthy, dynamic, fulfilling teaching career. The Enneagram is a tool…


Who Are We?

Last November, I was asked to speak about the Four Essentials of Business, a framework for building a successful organization. Over the next few months, I’m going to divide that talk into 4 blog posts, one for each “Essential”.  The first Essential is a company’s identity, sometimes referred to as the company “brand”.  The problem…

basketball coach coaching his team

The Importance of Getting to Know Your Team

Business leaders shouldn’t underestimate the importance of getting to know your team. Learn how the Thinking Wavelength can help you succeed.


Time to Reflect

“It’s not the experience that brings transformation, it’s our reflection upon our experience.”  –  Jan Johnson Well, it’s the first week back after the holiday season. Over the last few weeks, conversations with friends and family have centered around plans for the holidays, how things are going, how busy we are, and even a little…

karios conversation chart

A Guide to Better Conversations

Unlock meaningful conversations with the Learning Circle framework. A shift from reactiveness to intentional communication can lead to conversation breakthroughs.


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